Classes & Camps

Group instruction using the Wernick Method


Guitar, Banjo, Bass, Fiddle Tunes, Harmony Singing, and more!

Individual Lessons

By appointment
In person or online

Wayward Strings
will help you become
a better bluegrass jammer

Based in Raleigh, NC
Teaching in Triangle region and other locations in NC and the Southeast

Whether you are new to your instrument, new to bluegrass, new to jamming, or some combination…you are a great candidate for our bluegrass jamming classes, lessons, and workshops. Even those who have been playing and jamming for years can pick up helpful tips to get the most out of their bluegrass experience.

Feeling nervous about playing in front of others? Are you bashful about singing anyplace other than your shower? Do you love the bluegrass music you hear others play, but don’t know much about it? You are not alone! Our classes provide the Safe Zone where you get the encouragement and instruction that will leave you ready to jump into a jam.

Susan West and Leslie Dare will:

Demystify bluegrass jamming concepts

Teach you the role of your instrument in a bluegrass jam

Help you build your confidence through small, then larger, successes

Provide a nurturing, positive, and enjoyable learning and jamming environment