2020: New Year, New Look, More Jamming

It’s 2020! Wayward Strings had a great inaugural year in 2019. We completed 3 classes, made lots of new friends, and helped many people get out and get started jamming with others. It’s so rewarding for us to watch our students go out into the world of jamming and do such a great job.

We’re excited to kick off 2020 with plans for another spring class, some updates to the website, and some new ways to help you build your bluegrass skills. Here’s what’s in store for the new year:

  • Our next class! We’re holding another 6-week class that will meet on Wednesday evenings (May 6-June 10). We held a weekly class in 2019, and were amazed at how much progress our students made over the 6 weeks. We hope you’ll join us this year. We’re looking for new students, and we also welcome returning students–there is always something new to learn and we will work to keep you challenged!
  • Private Lessons! Are there skills you would like to focus on, such as taking breaks, practicing kickoffs, or song leading? Then consider signing up for private lessons with Leslie and Susan. You can sign up for just one lesson, or as many as you’d like. We will work with you to fine-tune your skills.
  • Website updates! We are working to provide additional resources for you via the Waywardstrings.com site. Check out our Resources page for helpful info. Our materials on OnSong are published here, as well as a growing archive of song charts. We have plans for additional resources here as time allows.

A year ago, we blogged about our Bluegrass Resolutions for 2019. We did a pretty good job on reaching those goals, although I’m still working on those double-stops–they’re getting better, but it’s slow. We’re both looking forward to growing our own skills more this year, and helping you build yours. Let’s pick!