Engaging With Bluegrass

I have been thinking about engagement a lot recently.  Engaging with a topic or an issue means thinking about it deeply, exploring the paths that emerge during the learning process, and acting on that newfound knowledge somehow–talking with people who are willing to listen, writing about it, or even learning a new skill.  Engaging with music can take many forms, but let’s start with listening to and learning about the important performances, recordings, and history of a favorite musical genre… bluegrass.

The Breakdown is a new podcast by writer Emma John and fiddle player Patrick M’Gonigle.  Each episode focuses on one of the iconic bluegrass records, and Emma and Patrick dig in and explore the songs, the people who created them, and the stories that surround the record.  I think it’s a great podcast–Emma and Patrick have clearly done their homework, and their experiences and perspectives are interesting.  Each podcast includes fascinating interviews, and everything discussed is backed up with examples from the record.  For me, it’s the perfect way to engage with bluegrass–offering up samples of music, providing interesting stories and context, and giving me an excuse to go listen to the record and dig even deeper.

The Breakdown really shows the power of the podcast platform for exploring (and engaging with!) a record or an artist’s work.   I can’t wait for the next episode to drop!  I encourage you to listen, learn, and engage!